What do you get when you mix a dedicated GPU, 50FPS Crysis gaming, A Core2Duo, an 11-inch screen, and a $800 price tag? An absurd(ly powerful) little laptop, which nobody—and apparently Alienware—is comfortable calling a netbook.
We first saw the M11x back at CES—impressions here—where we were told it'd hit the market in about a month, for under $1000 dollars. Well, a tipster sent Engadget a little bit of info scraped from the HTML of the notnetbook's official product page, which is currently holding some kind of "Guess the Price" sweepstakes:
The Alienware M11x, with over 6.5 hours of battery life and weighing under 4.5 lbs. will start at an amazing $799! Leave it to the folks at Alienware to enable truly mobile performance gaming at an affordable price.
Er, contest's still open, folks!

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