Set in the futuristic-y locale Pacific City, Crackdown finds you assuming the role of a crime buster attached to an outfit called The Agency, a force established to battle the criminal element after the police have their held hands up in defeat and run away screaming like little girls. Handily, you - or the agent lead character - are actually a superhuman cloned for maximum law enforcement whose skills and physical capabilities evolve during the course of the action. So, er, watch out you dirty rotten crims!

The Xbox 360 game's being developed by David Jones and his team at Real Time Worlds, and it's worth noting that Jones was the creative brain behind the original Grand Theft Auto titles and one Lemmings - fantastic games to have tucked under his belt, and we hope it can only mean good things for Crackdown.

To be honest though, we haven't found the two new gameplay trailers that have hit the 'net - and this here page - particularly inspiring, but check them out for yourself to see what you think.

We took an in-depth look at Crackdown back in April this year, so go have a gander at that for more information.

Trailers Here