via Computer and Video Games

Sony's PS3 'wand' is expected out this autumn (after being delayed from spring), and a report from Nikkei Newspaper in Japan says 10 games will support the device in 2010.

According to the report, titles will range from pet sims to sports, which sounds too much like the catalogue of a certain other console for our liking.

Sony itself has named several games that will get motion support including, as Kotaku notes, Ape Escape, Echochrome, Eccentric Slider, Sing and Draw, Champions of Time, Motion Party, The Shoot, Tower and Under Siege all due this year.

LittleBigPlanet and Resident Evil 5 Alternate Edition have also been shown using the new gadgets, although motion support in the western version of Resi 5 is uncertain.

We'd be happy to see even half of these out here before Christmas.