In today's Remainders: shouting! Fox News has been clamoring about Verizon and the iPad for a while, and today they kept on clamoring; an indie video game you control by screaming; a robot that listens for your commands; and more.
Fox Tales
Before the iPad's launch, Fox News Channel's Clayton Morris said that there would be two versions of Apple's tablet: one for AT&T and one for Verizon. According to Business Insider, Morris is still sayin' it. The information allegedly comes from a source in Verizon, and BI pretty much says that's good enough for them. Well you know what? It's not good enough for us. Fox News doesn't have the best track record with Apple rumors lately, so we remain skeptical on this one. [Business Insider]
If your video game habit really gets on the nerves of the people who live with you, show them this video and say, "see, things could be much, much worse." The game, presented recently at Sydney's Game Jam conference, makes yelling one of the primary controls. The louder the yell, the better you fare. Sure, your roommates might not appreciate your attempts to get to the blood-curdling bonus rounds, but if your gaming is provoking a lot of frustrated screaming already, this game might be one to keep an eye on. [CruchGearoarrrrr]
Hanging Out
Sure, this messy LED circuit chandelier gives your home decor a touch of the nerdiness that defines you. Then again, this messy LED circuit chandelier gives home decor a touch of the nerdiness that defines you. [Design Boom]
Atom and Eve
Fujisoft's Palro robot packs an Intel Atom brain, giving the little guy 1.6 GHz of processing power, Wi-Fi capabilities and a 3 megapixel on-board camera. All that hardware makes it a good worker, but it's an even better listener. Why? Because it also packs five microphones for powerful voice recognition ability. A video clip after the jump shows the Palro reacting to a woman's commands, though it's unclear exactly what she's commanding and thus unclear exactly how well it's taking those commands. The only downside to this pint-sized conversational companion is the price tag. To make Palro your robo pal,expect to dish out over $3000 when it's available in March. I think I'll just play some solitaire. [SlashGear]

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