CanonRumors hears that the sequel to the T1i, to be named the T2i, will be announced next week, packing a redesigned case, selectable FPS for video and a better LCD. Try to control your budget-minded excitement.
The full list of proposed changes:
• New LCD (Even Higher Resolution)
• Selectable FPS (Video)
• New build quality and shape for a Rebel
• No articulating screen
• New battery LP-E8
• New battery grip
That's definitely all good news, especially since the T1i is one of our favorite entry-level DSLRs—well, except the lack of articulated screen (which is kind of "meh" news—does anybody actually care about that?). Only odd thing is the name, which doesn't really fit with Canon's typical naming structure: The T1i was actually the sequel to the XSi, which in turn was the sequel to the XTi, so "T2i" is possible but not necessarily likely. Anyway, we should see sometime next week when this thing is supposed to launch. [CanonRumors via Crunchgear, image from Crunchgear]

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