ETK has posted some more WIP news about his Megaman clone for the DS:

Hey guys what's going on? This time I have fixed more things than added because I can't continue adding things if there is something I have to fix... well.. I can.. but I have to do it sooner or later XD

The most important updates are a 'new bubble effect' and a 'level complete screen'. Well, here are the list of changes I made:

-Fixed: The bug that doesn't let you jump while you dash is fixed now.
-Fix: Dash jump is shorter than a Normal jump
-Fix: Now you can only dash when you crouch
-Fix: fixed sprite gfx glitches when they are created out of screen
-Fix: the arm will not disappear when you are on x=0
-Fix: the shots appear where the arm is, and not in the center of megaetk
-Fix: fixed bouncing shots
-Fix: fixed arm gfx glitches when there is an item that doesn't rotate
-New: added bubble raising effect
-New: added E-Points to use in the future to buy power-ups, weapons, etc..
-New: added Level complete screen
-New: added new static-monster that aims to you and shots with angle
-New: added small and medium sized particles. (Only using small and medium now, big particles aren't cool :P)
-New: particles movement changed-> if there is a shot going to right and collides with a wall, the particles will go to left. same with shots going to left, up and down..
-New: added a time counter
-New: hero can aim with D-Pad holding the Y button now.

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