To: Ash
From: Crecente
Re: Electric Toothbrushes Are Great
Man, gaming travel starts earlier and earlier each year. We've already been to Vegas for CES and now I'll be taking a trip to Microsoft's X10 in San Fran next week and later in the month Totilo will be heading out to DICE in Vegas. And of course March is the Game Developers Conference. This is going to be another incredibly short year, I suspect.
What you missed:
Attack of the SexBox!!!! and It Came From Your Console!!!!
After Mario, The Next Nintendo Wii Game With Depth
Dante's St. Lucia DLC Brings Online Co-Op, Player-Created Content
The Sims Turns 10 On our Weekly Podcast
Witness The Death Of The Lich King
As The World Becomes Star Trek...
MAG Review: World of Shadow Warcraft
Brothers In Arms 2: Global Front Preview: Back To FPS
"Lost" Questions I Need Answered
Star Trek MMO Log, Stardate 2010.02

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