In today's Remainders: your noggin! It's what chess champ Garry Kasparov used to defeat increasingly sophisticated computer opponents; it's what the contestants on Jeopardy consult for answers (or questions); it's the site of the next X-Prize challenge; and more.
For many years, Garry Kasparov was better at chess than any other person in the world. But, as he explains in an article in this week's New York Review of Books, during his tenure as world champion people were no longer the only ones playing chess. Kasparov summarizes: "it was my luck (perhaps my bad luck) to be the world chess champion during the critical years in which computers challenged, then surpassed, human chess players." His essay, centered on a review of the new book Chess Metaphors: Artificial Intelligence and the Human Mind, is a fascinating look at how chess-playing computers differed than their human counterparts and how their influence changed the way the game is played today. [New York Review of Books]
Fox Tales II
A few days ago in Remainders we featured Fox News' Robert Morris. Specifically, we discussed his understanding of Verizon's relationship with the iPad and, more broadly, his track record of not exactly being correct in that understanding. Well, today Morris is again talking about what he claims to know best: possibly true backroom drama involving the Verizon and the iPad. In today's episode, Morris alleges that Verizon was nowhere to be found at the iPad's unveiling last Wednesday simply because they were outbid by AT&T. That may be the case! But until we get confirmation on one of these Fox Tales, Remainders they remain. [Electronista]
What is Blackberry?
Jeopardy is all about answers. Well, answers in the form of questions. Anyway, as any regular viewer can attest, the show's producers can be sticklers when it comes to the details in those answers. It's not uncommon for that mysterious group, always lurking in the shadows just out of frame, to put things on pause to correct an earlier error, taking away money for a mispronunciation or awarding it for an answer that they decided to accept. That attention to detail, this clip shows, is tossed right out the window when it comes to these newfangled gadgets. Basically, the show thinks that "Blackberry" is the name of the company that makes the Bold smartphone. And, as someone who holds both Jeopardy and a Blackberry Bold close to his heart, that's a damn shame. [CrunchGear]
The X-Prize is a public competition based on achieving some sort of technological goal. The Ansari X-Prize, the most recent and widely publicized competition, offered ten million dollars to the first non-governmental team to successfully launch a manned spacecraft. The next X-Prize has been announced and instead of space it moves the action to a decidedly smaller frontier, though one that's no less challenging: the brain. At a conference held recently on M.I.T.'s campus, the X-Prize Foundation declared that the next prize will go to the first team to develop a Brain Computer Interface. The foundation is still working out the details and the pot is yet to be set, but if this news gets the mad scientist in you excited, check out The Singularity Hub for more information. [H Plus Magazine]

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