Campaign Magazine claims TV spot was the second most effective in the UK in 2009
UK trade publication Campaign Magazine has hailed Nintendo’s Ant and Dec TV advertisement as the second most effective in the UK throughout 2009.
Created by Karmarama, the prime-time TV spots saw the likeable Geordie pair chatting with UK families about the various functions of Wii and DS.
Campaign’s results come from a TNS survey that measured how likely consumers were to purchase products or services after watching an ad. 250 separate advertisements were measured in total.
Nintendo’s creative missed out on the top spot thanks to Dettol’s antibacterial spray campaign, which was given a significant boost thanks to last year’s global swine flu scare. Other campaigns recognised for their success included Walker’s Gary Lineker ads, Apple’s iPhone 3G marketing and
Now, if Nintendo can just ensure that the next DS has built-in swine flu protection…