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Thread: Devhook 0.44- UMD Version (2.71 firmware on 1.5 PSP'S!!)

  1. #151


    Ok, evry1 knows that 2.71 emulation is extremely buggy......but after a while it corrupted itself, meaning it created a bunch of unecessary files with names that's a bunch of squares and random shapes, i already fixed it, but next time it happens, i'll screenshot it and post it.....but it screwed it up beyond use, meaning it wuldn't load, no matter wut the heck u did

  2. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by b8a
    For the first time since I got my PSP, I'm going to be able to walk into a store, look at the games and not have to wonder "Which ones of these work on my system?" (!_!)
    Lol, I certainly know that feeling...
    The first thing I do when I see a PSP game in a shop is to look at the side of the case to check the UCES/ULES code.
    I've done this ever since getting Lumines, and wrongly thinking it was a fw 1.00 game.

    Why check the numbers??
    Lumines code = 00043 - it's fw 1.50 and only works with DH 0.22.
    THUG2 Remix code = 00033 - it's fw 1.50 and works only with either DH 0.22 or SXT/WAB version trickers.
    My other 3 games are 00002, 00012 & 00022, and all of these are fw 1.00 games.

    Therefore, as far as I know, all the low number codes up to at least 00022 are fw 1.00 games .
    And anything above 00022 is less and less likely to work on my PSP.
    So I only buy games within or around this sort of number range...
    I've seen and not really wanted just about all of them now.
    It's annoying, but Sony don't seem to mind.

    If I could play newer games, there are atleast 5 games I would buy instantly right now, and thats atleast £120 worth of games.
    Still, Sony don't mind... grrr!

  3. #153


    Quote Originally Posted by mog
    Lumines code = 00043 - it's fw 1.50 and only works with DH 0.22.
    THUG2 Remix code = 00033 - it's fw 1.50 and works only with either DH 0.22 or SXT/WAB version trickers.
    My other 3 games are 00002, 00012 & 00022, and all of these are fw 1.00 games.
    That's useful info, that i did not know before......I just checked all my games that i have, and have been using DevHook to run on mi 1.5 PSP, and ur right!........all of mi games that are 2.00 have a higher number than 00022, all games that require no update are below 00010 or even more

    i will use it wisely

  4. #154
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    The game uces/ules codes give indication of roughly when the game might have been made, and therefore which firmware it is likely to require.

    I haven't heard anyone else mention using uces/ules codes to tell which firmware versions are required by games.
    So maybe it isn't a very reliable way to find out firmware version requirements?

    You are on 1.50, so you should be able to play any game you want using devhook.
    But please... anyone with 1.00 don't just buy games expecting them to definitely work on 1.00 just because of what I said.

  5. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by mog
    The game uces/ules codes give indication of roughly when the game might have been made, and therefore which firmware it is likely to require.

    I haven't heard anyone else mention using uces/ules codes to tell which firmware versions are required by games.
    So maybe it isn't a very reliable way to find out firmware version requirements?

    You are on 1.50, so you should be able to play any game you want using devhook.
    But please... anyone with 1.00 don't just buy games expecting them to definitely work on 1.00 just because of what I said.
    Why don't you just upgrade to 1.5 and have all your problems solved?

  6. #156


    hi, i have dh, psp and DATA.psar files on my root of mem-stick, i went to psp and found devhook firmware installer in my game section, but it doesn't work. It says "The date is corrupted."

    I have 2.71 in my psp.

    i will appriciate if you give me comments about it.

  7. #157
    XBOX 360 User Kramer's Avatar
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    sorry to say but you cant run any homebrew on 2.71


  8. #158


    Quote Originally Posted by oafan
    i want to know how sony will respond to us 1.5 users being able to play all umd games without upgrading
    cheaper games

  9. #159
    DCEmu Legend Accordion's Avatar
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    if sales go up, then the price will remain the same, prices only go down to boost sales

  10. #160
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    Where is this Reboot.bin eveybody seems to have no problem finding??

    I've looked through Google, and the links seem to be dead. I looked on the PS2 website, but they requite registeration, and I can't get registered there. It's been 2 hours and no registeration E-mail, I think they closed the site to new people.

    I tried to decypt the stuff myself, but the reboot instructions say you are suppose to be in fw 2.6 to decrypt it, and clearly that's insane, because the whole idea is to use Fw 1.5.

    I've been at it for 3 hours and I am at my wit's end. I can't find this reboot.bin anywhere. Can somebody help me??

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