We know that TiVo's hyping a major announcement on March 2nd, and now a tipster over at CrunchGear has provided some additional insight. It's all still just a rumor, but the details about the UI and HD menus make sense:
According to the tipster, the announcement will center around moving to full HD menus, improved search, and phasing out the Series 2 software:
He describes the move as something akin to Microsoft's redesign of the Xbox Dashboard – a surface refresh that plays better with larger, HD TVs. This could also include new methods for adding apps and content to existing boxes.
I'm not sure this would live up to the lofty expectations TiVo placed on itself with its "Inventing the DVR Was Just a Warmup" teaser. But as far as refreshes go this, combined with rumors of TiVo Premiere, would be a welcome one. [CrunchGear]

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