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Thread: Lik Sang Presents ADIC 2004 & Dream Coding G P 2004 - GP32 & DC Development Contests !

  1. #1

    Default Lik Sang Presents ADIC 2004 & Dream Coding G P 2004 - GP32 & DC Development Contests !

    Lik Sang have just posted this news:[br][br]"GP32 loyalists will remember the annual ADIC coding contest, for which Lik Sang has been providing support before. This year there'll not only be a dedicated GP32 contest hosted by ADIC once again, Lik Sang is also teaming up with to bring you the first joint Dreamcast and Gamepark 32 Homebrew Coding Competition, Dream Coding Grand Prix (DCGP). For both of these contests entries can be submitted from now on until the end of December.[br][br]The GP32 development scene has been a very active one, which is due to the universal capabilities of this supreme mobile gaming device. It can not only play games, but also movies and MP3's, offers USB-to-PC connectivity and wireless RF technology for multiplayer meetups. Not to forget the free Software Development Kit that is available online, as well as a myriad of other free applications including emulators (e.g. Atari, GB, NES, SNES, PCE, ZX, SNES). This Korean multi-wonder is just perfect for the homebrew-oriented mind: if you think you can do better than what's usually available software-wise, be creative and get at coding today![br][br]Alternative developing efforts for Sega's last home platform, the Dreamcast, went only into higher gear when the production of the console ceased a couple of years ago. This healthy community has produced many cool games, emulators and multimedia tools up to now. Which shouldn't come as a surprise since the idea of souping up something of your own on a true arcade-based hardware is one that still proves irresistible for many bedroom-programmers.[br][br]Lik Sang is proud to sponsor homebrew coders, and some truly amazing stuff can be pulled off on classic consoles. There's GpFinalWar, one of the winners from last years ADIC contest, a Command & Conquer style title running on the GP32, where the developer is now looking for people to create mods for the game. Other impressive home brew creations include Grand Theft Auto 3 on a NES! Yes, that machine that's over 20 years old, and ran at 1.79 Mhz. Or Doom, in 3D, on the Intellivision, developed in 1979, which runs at about 0.5 of a Mhz. By clicking the screenshot below, you can see a video of it in action. [br][br]Lik Sang will provide prizes for both competitions mentioned, these will include a Neo Geo Pocket Color with six games, the Mini Twin Stick for Dreamcast and many other cool stuff. Like before, we won't let any participating developer down, there'll be a consolation prize for all those that weren't picked by the jury."[br][br]More info at Lik Sang

  2. #2
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lik Sang Presents ADIC 2004 & Dream Coding

    Nice to see our Sponsor giving us some support

  3. #3
    Sir Digby Chicken Caesar Darksaviour69's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lik Sang Presents ADIC 2004 & Dream Coding

    i was wondering when they would post about it....

  4. #4
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lik Sang Presents ADIC 2004 & Dream Coding

    i just hope that we get some entries

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