News from Gamesradar

Whenever we want to get excited about the next generation of gaming, gazing upon some Rainbow Six Vegas shots always helps. There's nothing so spectacular as seeing a special forces team taking on a terrorist threat with Las Vegas - one of the most glitzy and bizarre cities in the world - as a backdrop.

The Rainbow Six team have made the trip to Nevada because of international terrorist Irena Morales who has led a team of mercenaries into Vegas to lay siege to the casinos and hotels.

Initially it's unclear just what Morales's agenda is but the Rainbow Six team, led by Logan Keller, only has one night to restore order to the city and take down the scheming Morales.

The game is in development with Ubisoft Montreal who was responsible for Rainbow Six 3. The team has been working hard to make Vegas the most intense adventure yet with mission objectives continually being reassessed and briefings happening in real-time - this means key strategic decisions will have to be made on the fly.

The game is due to be released for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 so will have numerous online modes and will allow you to create a multiplayer character that will evolve the more you play. Also, the more successes you achieve online, the more equipment you unlock.

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