When it launched, Xbox Live game show 1 vs. 100 was an experiment. Its success could mean a whole new slate of television-like programming for the gaming console.
"1 vs. 100 was an entirely new space for us," said Aaron Greenberg, director of Product Management for Xbox 360 and Xbox LIVE. "In many ways we are pioneering an entirely new category of entertainment and it has been very successful."
Microsoft's work on ad-driven 1 Vs. 100 taught them several things, Greenberg said, like that lowering the barrier to entry helps to create a nearly instant mammoth community. And that advertisers don't need much convincing when the platform they're buying into has a 23 million person audience and a dream demographic.
"It wasn't that hard for us to convince folks" to advertise on 1 vs. 100, he said. "Now we're looking at not just doing more of that, but how do you think about new types of programming on a network of 23 million people."
"We're all over the board with ideas," Greenberg said. "I think 1 vs. 100 was one of those, we will definitely throughout the year reveal more of the innovative things we are thinking about."

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