In today's Remainders: possibilities. Bing hopes to expand its search empire by adding Yahoo's results; T-Mobile looks to add WebOS to its roster; the next iPhone might get a Super AMOLED screen (it won't); and porn possibilities abound for troops.
You'd think that would be a trustworthy source for OLED-related news, especially when their info comes from "OLED industry sources," but their claim that Apple's next iPhone will use Samsung's Super AMOLED screens isn't very convincing. We heard this business in the run up to the unveiling of the iPad, too, and there isn't really any indication that this newest report is anything other than idle speculation. It's also noteworthy—or un-noteworthy, as the case may be—that the post ends with this bit: "the CEO of Rapid Repair believes also that Apple use Samsungs SUPER AMOLED in their next generation Iphone 4G." Neither the grammar nor the sourcing of this sentence do much to help the rumor's case. []
Posterity Tweets
As you probably know by now, your Tweets don't stick around forever. Unless you're Robert Gibbs, White House Press Secretary and Twitter n00b. After some debate on the matter, governmental lawyers have decided that Gibbs' Tweets, like other forms of communication, will be recorded in adherence with the Presidential Records Act of 1978. To read Gibbs' everlasting missives, check him out at [<a href=" =feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Slashdot%2Fslashdot+%28 Slashdot%29%3ESlashdot%3C/a%3E]%3C/p%3E%3Cp%3E%3Cimg%20src=" width="500" height="375">Binghoo!
Today Microsoft and Yahoo were cleared to go ahead with their search sharing deal, which will push Yahoo's search results into Bing's corner of the internet. They hope to complete the cross-pollination by the end of the year, though the process could spill into 2011. Not much of a surprise here&mdash;we didn't expect the Binghoos not to get clearance&mdash;so just keep in mind that your search world will be shrinking in months to come. Where's that Jeeves when you need him? [Business Insider]
Fitting Palm To A T
According to the our precocious phone-loving friend, WebOS might be making its way to T-Mobile by way of a small, Pixi-ish handset. Okay. [Boy Genius Reports]
Porn Returns To The Front Lines
Back in 2008, the U.S. military banned flash drives, memory sticks and other forms of removable media because of the Agent.btz virus that threatened to compromise their networks. Though nothing much has changed in terms of the security threat that flash drives pose, the ban has been lifted, allowing soldiers to transfer data (read: porn) more easily amongst themselves. It's sort of a bummer to read the Departa of Defense's defeatist attitude on the whole matter of cybersecurity, though. One member of the U.S. Strategic Command explained:
Simply put, DoD [Department of Defense] cannot undo 20+ years of tacitly utilizing worst IT security practices in a reasonable amount of time, especially when many of these practices are embedded in enterprise wide processes.
If that's how they really feel, I guess they might as well give the troops their removable media. And all the goodies they contain. [Wired]

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