Ok ok ok, rewind a few weeks. Before WinPho 7 trundled into the daylight, the strongest evidence we had for a new product from Microsoft actually centered around something else: The long-rumored, utterly mysterious Project Pink. So, err, what happened?
With Windows Phone 7 Series as the star of the show, Mobile World Congress came and went without a single mention of Pink. Which is strange! Because leading up to the conference, most of the material, non-rumor evidence we had about Microsoft's mobile plans centered around that very product, whatever it is. We had Twitter chatter from within Microsoft, from a client called "Danger." We had FCC filings, the most tantalizing pieces of which are being withheld until just days after the CTIA conference in late March. And of course, we had the original Pink leak.

So, with Windows Phone 7 unveiled and described, where does that leave us? It leaves us with outstanding documentation, unexplained, not-insubstantial leaks, and perhaps most revealingly, the same "Danger"-sourced Twitter traffic from within Microsoft. See above, captured today.
Despite Windows Phone 7's emphasis on social networking integration, it debuted with a glaringly obvious lack of Twitter support. In other words, all these tweets from inside Microsoft? They're not coming from Windows Phone 7. Add to that the "Danger" branding (the Pink Project was rumored to be a followup to the Sidekick as far back as September) and you start to get the sense the Windows Phone 7 is only half the story. Pink is probably still coming, and probably not running Windows Phone 7, leaving one massive question: What the hell does it run? And will it be the only one?
It's an exciting question, if just for how completely and utterly unanswered it is. So whatever you do, don't take your eyes off Microsoft—I don't think they're done yet. [Twitter]

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