via IGN

According to a report from Japanese website, and translated by IGN, game content in Capcom's upcoming alien shooter Lost Planet 2 was cut due to the limited DVD storage space for Xbox 360.

Producer Jun Takeuchi said in an interview the team struggled trying to determine what content to cut from the game.

"There wasn't any major trouble," Takeuchi said of the game's development. "More than that type of difficulty, there was too much content, and deciding on those areas was more difficult than anything."

"We had so much content that we wanted to add this time, added Takeuchi. "It ended up being a battle against disc space."
When asked if there was any content the team didn't want to cut, Takeuchi acknowledge there was, adding the team hopes to offer the content in downloadable form in the future.

"We hope to offer those types of elements as future download content," he said.

Update: Capcom has responded to Takeuchi's comments saying cutting content before the game's final release is common.

"Editing the amount of content released with the final version of any game is a standard practice during game development," a company spokesperson said in a statement given to IGN.

"Edits to the initial concept of a game can come from a number of sources including the amount of time given to develop the title, hardware constraints, story elements, or other factors that can detract from the experience."

"We are confident that consumers will not be disappointed with Lost Planet 2 and the variety of massive Akrid, powerful vital suits, beautiful environments and deep level of customization included in the final product."