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Bungie is currently focusing on Halo Reach, but there's no doubt that they're also looking ahead to the day when they really go independent. For now though, the studio remains vague about their future projects, including whether or not they will be going multi-platform.

Asked by Computer and Video Games whether or not the studio is planning to work with the PlayStation 3, Bungie community manager Brian Jarrard said, "I mean, I think our whole future's kind of undefined right now and it's definitely not something we're going to be comfortable getting into too much detail about.

"We've had another team internally [other than those making Reach] for quite a while now - they've been working on the genesis of what will become our next big thing.

"It's a little premature to get into specifics, but you know I think we have a really good mix of old blood and new blood in the studio."
Bungie announced its independence from Microsoft back in 2007, but they've continued developing exclusively for the Xbox 360 over the past few years. Unsubstantiated rumors suggest that they will be working with Activision.

It'll probably be a bit before we he hear anything concrete, if only because Microsoft will want Bungie to focus on Halo Reach. We'll see what happens after it arrives this fall.