Would you like to see Hot Tub Time Machine for free, days before normal rubes can see it in theaters? If you're in NYC, you're in luck! We've got a fistful of tickets to a screening for our lovely readers.
The screening takes place next Tuesday the 2nd of March at 7:30pm. It's at the Times Square Regal E Walk at 247 W42nd St. We have 44 seats to give away, so we're offering 2 tickets each to the first 22 people who email [email protected] with "I like free movies and I also like Gizmodo!" in the headline. Include your name in the body of the email. We will email you back if you get in fast enough. When you get to the theater, you'll be on the list with a +1 for a friend. Don't email us if there's a chance you can't make it. That would be a pretty $#@! move.
Cool? Cool. Get e-mailin'!

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