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Thread: Best way to approach Collision detection

  1. #1

    Staff Best way to approach Collision detection

    Now that i have finished my animation code ( I am going to make a collision code.

    Now, i know how to do the map collision (stopping player falling of the screen) but am wondering about the best and easyest to add to way of doing things such as object and enemy ai collision.

    If you have any advice on the best way to approach it, that would be great.

    BTW, this isn't for Future-Resurection, It's for a secret game im coding!

    No details on it yet, but expect it to be big!

    hopefully it will be out in about 1 or 2 months! And fully playable

  2. #2
    GP2X Coder/Moderator
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
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    Falling off the edge of the map or edge of the physical screen?

    The easiest method for the latter is to set a bounding area:

    if sprite.x < 0 then
    sprite.x = 0
    elseif (sprite.x + sprite.width) > screen.width then
    sprite.x = screen.width - sprite.width

    if sprite.y < 0 then
    sprite.y = 0
    elseif (sprite.y + sprite.height) > screen.height then
    sprite.y = screen.height - sprite.height

    Edit: misread post. for the enemy to player, box collision will suffice. See my example code in the Dev forums.

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