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Thread: Sony committed to targeted UMD launches

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    psp Sony committed to targeted UMD launches

    News via Gamespot

    The Universal Media Disc, the proprietary format for Sony's PlayStation Portable, has shown signs that it may go the way of the Sony-made Minidisc and Betamax. Though movies formatted on UMDs quickly generated excitement in the industry after the portable's launch, subsequent disappointing sales have caused many movie studios to scale back their support.

    In an interview with United Press International, senior vice president of marketing for SCEA Peter Dille says Sony hasn't yet given up on UMD movies. But in order for UMD movies to stay afloat, Dille says movie studios are going to have to understand the PSP owner.

    "SCEA has been providing the Hollywood studios with data on the PSP consumer, both from a demographic and psychographic point of view, in an effort for them to better tailor their product offering to this new and emerging market," he said. "As such, we have seen studios cutting back on releasing their full content on UMD, as unlike the DVD market, the PSP consumer is targeted. We are committed to helping the studios better understand our product and our consumer and will continue to educate them as we evolve and enhance the functionality of the PSP."

    It may take more than a few charts and graphs to keep the latest home video releases on UMDs alive. Gamers have been ripping DVDs onto memory sticks for as long as they have been playing Lumines, and even Sony recently announced memory-stick movies called Memory Stick Entertainment Packs.

    Retailers are also questioning the future of UMD movies, as Best Buy and Wal-Mart have reportedly cut back on UMD shelf space and Target has nixed the format altogether.

  2. #2
    PSP User fistikuffs's Avatar
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    What the hell is a "psychographic point of view"?? more biz talk mumbo jumbo!
    UMD movies are rubbish. Why pay more for a umd movie when you can buy a dvd which you can easily watch on your tv pc and psp(from the mem stick). Feature length movies aren't exactly the type of thing you watch on the go anyway

  3. #3
    DCEmu Rookie
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    5-10 dollars they will sell...anything more is a rip off that is why we rip to memory stick.

  4. #4
    PSP User LAMPRO's Avatar
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    psychographic means the level of mentality in a certain area that might lead to more or less sales for a particluar product? im crazy and i do not own a umd.

  5. #5
    PSP User motormaniac's Avatar
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    5-10 dollars they will sell...anything more is a rip off that is why we rip to memory stick.
    yea its a rip if ther more than 10, bucks, the most i would pay for one is 15 and thats if its a really great movie

  6. #6
    DCEmu Regular
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    Sorry, Sony needs to realize two things about the PSP and Movies:

    #1. The PSP has no build-in kickstand, so it's hard to hold through a 2 hour movie. (I know Logitech makes a good case, but it's also a BULKY case.)

    #2. It has Sh*t speakers that produce lousy sound for movies. (It's ok for games, but just TERRIBLE for movies.)

    It's sad when the DS, with it's crumb memory cards and slow processing power, would still make x10 better movie system then a PSP! The DS has simulated surround sound, excellent volume, and it's clamshell design would allow it to sit upright for comfortable viewing. The only thing holding it back is it's lack of a memory card slot or optical media. Sure, you can get one of those hacking kits and load up some specially compressed video on a separate memory card, but talk about an expensive and difficult pain in the butt!

    Either way, watching movies on a handheld is still not ready for the mainsteam.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Oh my god, Sony really needs the clues hammered into their heads before they understand. They don't ever go shopping, do they?

  8. #8
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Poster #2 has nailed it! Regardless of Manufacturing Costs for the UMD™ itself are, or what the Movie Studio itself beleaves it should asking for. UMD™ Movies will always fail, when the actual DVD™ is only a few Bucks more. Or as in most cases ~actually less!!~

    UMDs'™ still have a life! But, get over yourself S0NYŽ™. Nobody's willing to shell out more then the odd Tenner for 'em. Maybe Fifteen TOPS!! BUT THAT'S IT!

    You Guy want to see your crap move?! heres the deal:

    Crap Movies from the 80s' like Ghost Busters or Back to the Furture: $5.00(USD) +TAX.
    Current Movies like Hellboy for $10.00(USD) +TAX
    New(er), Movies like Narnia (would it even fit the UMD™??), for $15.00(USD) +TAX

    Get the idea?!?

    Nagghh I didn't think so. Allas that's why nobody wants to buy this Crap and Retailers are geting tirerd of peddining it!

  9. #9
    DCEmu Legend ACID's Avatar
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    No umds here movies are way cheaper and can be watched nicer on mi 56In tv. LOL

  10. #10
    PSP User LAMPRO's Avatar
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    well, on the go, a movie wether on umd or ms is a mandatory for me- except i dont own a umd. lol.

    when the prices are like 5 beans, maybe i might bag one up. maybe 5 for 20!! lol. sony u listenin?

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