That's the plan. never heard of it?
Try these links:
DOS/Windows version (up to 9x only) -
Sea3D - (open source) -
Settlers in Flash -
NetSet -
JavaSettlers -

I'm not sure what's best for me to code in as I'm am rather rusty. Should I start in LUA or pickup a mightier sword and bone up on lost education?

I've got most of it flow-charted between paper and my head. The graphics will start out as raw representation images and over time I will create new graphics from scratch (unless someone outdoes me and donates the gfx to the project for credit).

There is open source code out there I can use, but I haven't yet looked into what would be involved in porting over to PSP as I'm just in the initial stages of planning.

This is a labour of love for me, but I'm willing to share for the sake of quality. If anyone wants to join me in this please contact me.

Even if all I receive out of this thread is advice, I'm better off than I was yesterday.

Thank you for being part of the DCEmu coding community.
Thanks for reading.