All around the world, PlayStation 3 consoles simply aren't working like they're supposed to, with a PlayStation Network error preventing people from not just going online, but from playing some PS3 games offline as well.
From Europe to the Americas to, well, my house in Australia, users are complaining that upon booting their consoles up, they're unable to sign into their accounts, check their trophies or access the PlayStation Network. That's fine, Sony say there are PSN connection problems, and that they are "looking into it".
Problem is, the error does more than just prevent you from going online. It prevents you from playing certain games offline as well. The screen above is what I was greeted with when attempting to play Heavy Rain, and pressing out of it simply reboots the PS3, returning you to the main menu screen. It's the same story for other games that feature dynamic trophy support.
Sony say "stay tuned" for updates on the problem. In turn, we'll update if we hear anything more.
While theories abound that this has something to do with the leap year - the PlayStation 3's first while on the market - bear in mind Sony has redesigned its PlayStation website over the weekend, so it's likely the result of some tinkering under the hood for the PlayStation Network.
Whichever it is, though, you have to wonder at the design process that turns a network outage into something stopping you from playing games off said network.

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