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Thread: Buyer Beware: Satanic-Themed Video Games Concern Parents

  1. #1
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    General games Buyer Beware: Satanic-Themed Video Games Concern Parents

    via The Bulletin

    Even the most hard-core gamers are sounding the alarm about the rise in the number of satanically-themed video games that target God and Christianity, invite players to make pacts with the devil, and elevate Satan to hero status.

    “This has been going on for the last 10 years, but especially in the most recent games,” said Lance Christian, 32, of Alton, Illinois who has been an avid gamer for most of his life.
    For instance, in one game, players kill the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael before going on to destroy God. Another game requires players to sell their soul to the devil and rewards them for “killing unbaptized infants.”

    All of these games seem to have one central theme - God is the enemy and the devil is the hero. And they do nothing to hide it. One game guide glibly states: “The Judeo-Christian God is portrayed as the prominent villain in the series . . . “

    “This is just the tip of the iceberg in what I have discovered,” Mr. Christian said. “I feel that the devil has a new tool to work with in this age of technology, and the majority of adults in a position of responsibility are left in the dark.”
    His list of the most egregious games includes:

    • Tecmo’s Deception: Invitation To Darkness (Playstation) – Players “make an unholy pact and sell their soul to Satan in exchange for power” with the object of the game being to ensure the resurrection of Satan and obtain his power. (This game is rated “T” for teens.)

    • Nocturne (Playstation 2): A game in which the hero (a demon) destroys the three Archangels St. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, then goes on to destroy God.

    • Shadow Hearts (Playstation 2): The hero uses his power to intercept and destroy God and “save the world.” (Some games in this series are rated “T”.)

    • Dragon’s Age Origins (Playstation 3/Xbox 360): The game revolves around the story of God going mad and cursing the world. A witch attacks believers and players can “have sex” with her in a pagan act called “blood magic” so she can “give birth to a god.” Another scenario allows players to have sex with a demon in exchange for a boy’s soul.

    Other games with satanic themes are Dante’s Inferno, Guitar Hero, Devil Summoner, Koudelka, Trapt, Bayonetta, and Darksiders.

    Game publishers are cashing in on the satanic, anti-Catholic and the general anti-religion content themes and using them as a draw for buyers. For instance, Electronic Arts launched a catchy ad campaign to sell its new hell-inspired game, Dante’s Inferno. Buyers interested in the game were greeted at the site by a phony new game called, “Mass: We Pray.” When they clicked on the link, they were declared a heretic and re-routed to Dante’s Inferno. After ordering, fans were offered a “Number of the Beast” discount of $6.66. The same game was advertised during the Super Bowl with the teaser, “Hell awaits.”

    Game publishers such as Electronic Arts and Midway Games have not responded to The Bulletin’s requests for comment.

    Even though most of these videos are rated by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) as “M” for mature audiences, many are rated “T” for teens. But regardless of the ratings, they can easily fall into the hands of children from older siblings or parents, Mr. Christian says, and points to a recent YouTube video of an eight year-old playing a popular adult Satanic-themed game.

    Paul Bury, editor of Family Friendly Gaming said the envelope is definitely being pushed with these games. “Role playing games (RPGs) have progressively gotten worse over the years,” he said. “It is difficult to find a role playing game that is not ‘T’. . . . There have been some ‘M’ rated ones where all kinds of decadence is allowed.”

    Another problem is that the ESRB has been “shifting” its standards much like movie rating bureaus have been doing. “Compared to movies in the past, they are now allowing more for a PG rating. I have noticed the same thing from the ESRB. Games that in the opinion of Family Friendly Gaming that should receive a ‘M’ rating, are getting a ‘T’ rating. They are letting more through.”

    Eliot Mizrachi, spokesman for the ESRB, says their rating system focuses on violence, language and sexuality and is based on what the average consumer’s expectations would be about content.

    “The ratings are only intended to be a guide,” he said, “but if someone has sensitivities about particular content, the first step would be to check the rating summaries on our Web site which provide a very detailed description of the content that factored into the rating.”
    We checked these summaries and although they proved helpful, few mentioned the overt satanic content of the games.

    Mr. Mizrachi says concerned parents should use the rating system on the package only as a guide and advises them to do their homework. In addition to checking the summaries available on their Web site, they should also consult game reviews on parent-focused Web sites.

  2. #2
    CONSOLE HOARDER VampDude's Avatar
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    And two guesses as to who owned a copy of Bible Games for the NES.

  3. #3


    If there's room for Westlife in music there's space for the Devil in gaming.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Newbie Tulvert's Avatar
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    I have to step in and say something here. The way Dragon Age is described her makes me a bit angry. There is no Satan in the game. In fact the creatures you fight against (Darkspawn) are a kin to demons. So you are killing demons. I will say yes some choices you can make in this game are moral balance good or evil. They are, however Choices that you the player makes. Yo are not being told you must do this. Oh and the part about Pagan act, How old fashioned is this Mr. Christian. Pagan is no longer a bad term as far as people are concerned. It was once a wide belief by The Christian Church that pagans worshiped the devil. Now we happen to know that The Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, and Celtic and many others were all Pagans. Most Pagans worshiped nature.

    So to end this RANT. I will say Keep you faith out of my digital life and away from my games and I'll keep the historical facts and personal opinions out of you church. Cause if you buy a game for a child and don't check it first to make sure it's ok for them, that is your own fault. These companies shouldn't have to limit themselves because you are to lazy to do your job as a parent.

    Tulvert = John Mack 31yrs old father of 3

  5. #5
    DCEmu Pro
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    I find it funny that guitar hero is on that hit list.

  6. #6
    DCemu Contributor NeoXCS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gene View Post
    I find it funny that guitar hero is on that hit list.
    Exactly what I was thinking! What playing the Grim Reaper as a character makes the game satanic? Or is it just that darn rock n roll music, cause we all know that comes from hell! :rofl:

  7. #7
    DCEmu Newbie
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    has any1 even read the bible? .. we are all going to hell anyway so may as well see what its like in digital form to get a feel of it ... ohwell.. the more they bitch the more we go out and buy games just to annoy them ... works for me ..

  8. #8
    DCEmu Pro XDelusion's Avatar
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    No one seems to have a problem with games that feature Greek, Indian, or Hindu gods killing one another. So what's the big deal?

    Besides religion is not supposed to be about the religious practices, icons, traditions, etc. But the core teachings of the teacher the religion is based upon.

    In that light, I would have to say it is Oprah, Dr. Phil, Political Correctness, Entertainment Tonight, Hollywood life styles, etc. That are the devil. It is they and not waring mythological gods in video games that are telling people to live a life in a style that is not in accord with higher spiritual and mental truths.

    Greed, Coveting, Gluttony, Materialism, Ruthless Competition, Vanity, Pride, mere Academics, etc.

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