With star power at Kotaku comes the ability to create your own page here on Kotaku. I did it with our Lost Forum. Others have done it to create, well... that's the problem. Star commenters, let's try this...
You have the power to make your own discussion pages. Go to our front page, type something in that white box atop the page, and apply a Twitter-style hashtag. Just the # mark, and then the name of your page (punctuation doesn't matter).
Let it marinate for about five minutes. That's how long it'll probably take for the page t start.
Then... come to this Make-A-Page Monday post and tell everyone about it. In no time, you'll be running your very own Kotaku discussion page.
If you want to contribute to these pages, just follow the link, which should look like: http://kotaku.com/tag/NAMEOFTAGPAGE/ and you'll be part of the conversation. Don't forget to expand your commenting options so you can see all the posts. (Don't use some commenting URL. Yes, I'm looking at you, TableTop Tuesdays!)
Two caveats:
1) We don't yet have a list of tag pages, so, no we can't just rank the coolest ones. That's the point of this post.
2) You can't just add the name of a tag page to your comment elsewhere on the site and expect it to appear on the tag page. So if you want to contribute to #LostTalk, for example, you need to go to the #LostTalk page.
So create those pages, folks, and let us know what you have. Every once in a while we'll post another reminder like this so you can tell folks about your page. Start those pages. Cherish them. Water them daily. And let the world know how lovely they are.

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