Sony and Quantic Dream's ambitious PlayStation 3 exclusive Heavy Rain has taken the number one spot in the UK charts in its debut week.

The title is the publisher's first number one hit since Killzone 2, released in early 2009.

The game pushed out last week's number one, Aliens Versus Predator, to number two with sales down 38 per cent, according to data from GfK Chart-Track.

The second highest new entry in the charts was Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing at number eight, with the publisher also claiming a respectable twelfth place with PC game Napoleon: Total War. Sony's role-playing game White Knight Chronicles entered the charts at 35.

The full top ten follows:

01 Heavy Rain
02 Aliens Versus Predator
03 Just Dance
04 Wii Fit Plus
05 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
06 Wii Sports Resort
07 New Super Mario Bros. Wii
08 Sonic & Sega All0Stars Racing
09 BioShock 2
10 FIFA 10