In today's Remainders: disappearing acts. TigerText, a new iPhone app, makes your illicit text messages vanish; an official HTC video shows you how to disassemble an HD2; Intel's new Convertible Classroom netbook makes its keyboard go "Poof!" and more.
Incriminating text messages, as a thing, aren't going away any time soon. That is, unless they do go away, which is the whole point of TigerText, a new messaging app for the iPhone and iPod Touch that lets illicit texters set a expiration for date for their messages. After that time texts disappear—Poof!—and your affair continues without a trace. A fine idea for iPhone-wielding slimeballs, but there's one jungle cat-sized catch: both phones need to have TigerText installed for it to function. So while you don't want your spouse to come across naughty texts on your phone, you don't really want them coming across an app designed explicitly for hiding naughty texts either, do you? [Wired]
Here's a video showing some nifty (but only nifty) hacks for the Nexus One, and they both involve colors. The first adds a "sexy colors" setting for the little zooming pixels on the phone's default live wallpaper. The other allows you to set the LED notification button to different colors. It definitely looks pretty glowing blue or purple, but it's sort of a one trick pony—let us know when you can set different colors for different notifications. There's no explanation for how to implement the hacks yourself, but if you really want to color in your drab life, you might be able to snag the Twitter names from the video and work backwards to the original Tweets. [Make]
Here we have an "official" video showing you how to disassemble an HD2 step by step (earlier today Apple showed us how to disassemble an HTC step by step). But this official video comes to your computer unofficially, probably by way of some third party repair shop. So it's not the most exciting leak, and it's not the most exciting phone, but it's a nice curiosity nonetheless. [CrunchGear]
Today Intel showed off its new Convertible Classmate netbook, which lets you swivel its screen to turn the underperforming netbook into a slightly less noticeably underperforming tablet. Folding over the 10.1" touch screen will make it easier to flick through e-books, which are an emphasis in this newest iteration of the machine (Intel released another transforming tablet/netbook combo back in 2008). Intel has their sights set on classrooms in developing countries, hoping the device can serve as both an e-reader and a more fully functioning computer for those students. Whereas the last One Laptop Per Child update showed off a fantasy slate, Intel's new device has a physical keyboard and, you know, the benefit of being real. [PC World]

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