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Thread: quick question for ez flash 4lite

  1. #1

    Default quick question for ez flash 4lite

    is this thing worth the money or is g6 better any suggestions thanks

  2. #2
    DCEmu Old Pro The Hombrew Hunter's Avatar
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    Wait for the G6.

    WAAAAAAAAY better. By the makers of M3, too.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Rookie
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    if you have a ds-lite it looks like $#@! and sticks out 3inches

  4. #4
    DCEmu Old Pro The Hombrew Hunter's Avatar
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    Not the G6 LITE.

  5. #5


    i thought the ez flash 4 lite was like flush with the ds and its supposed to take memory cards only crapy thing bout the g6 thogh is it only 512mb .......

  6. #6


    If it's only for playing games, 512MB is more than adequate for most peoples needs. That should fit at least 10-15 games on at any one time, and most probably more. You can just chop and change the games as you need from your PC.

    Still, If you want to play movies and music you could definitely use a few more bytes.

  7. #7


    Don't listen to these other tools. I have EZ4 lite and it is way better than the G6 lite. Battleroyalalex is an idiot and a liar. It sticks out 2 millimeters and is barely noticable. It's practically flush. GBA support is excellent and DS support is not quite as good, there are a few titles (puyopop fever and pokemon) that work on m3 and not on ez4, but it can have twice the memory, and quadrupal later this year. 512 is not enough. Not for me anyway. I have my DS games and GBA games. 512 is how much space all my gba games take up. Not to mention you'll want to throw in homebrew and emulators. Still, over both of these, I would suggest waiting a month for Supercard Lite. It will have the microsd slot at the top and fit comepletely flush. Supercard is the best for homebrew and just as good for ds as m3 (pokemon is the only title that doesn't work). Supercard lite is supposed to have faster memory than the previous cards too.

  8. #8


    lol i wanted to play pokemon wich one doesnt play pokemon supercard or ez flash

  9. #9
    DCEmu Regular Mazza's Avatar
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    the EZ4-Lite sticks out 0.8mm, I've ordered one because my G6 isn't due to come until August and I go away at the beginning of august. I've cancelled my pre-order though because when I get back off holiday I'll probably buy the Supercard Micro SD, cheap and good. EZ4 Lite is good, just that some people have noticed slowdowns in cutscenes etc. If you have the time wait till the end of the month for more news on the Supercard Micro SD, it's already ben confirmed but I haven't seen any pics yet.

  10. #10


    Supercard lite Pics come out the end of this month. It's the best solution and value if all you care about is homebrew and DS games (it's not that great with gba games)

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