Remember how some Koreans were using sausages to control their iPhones? Well, good news! You too can now have your very own iPhone Sausage Stylus for the low price of one dollar*! Just one dollar*! But wait! There's more!
Not only will you be able to keep your gloves on during cold weather and use a sausage as a stylus, not only is this product compatible with any iPhone on the market, NOT ONLY is this stylus not fit for consumption, NO! It is also going to be tested by yours truly.

And I must shamefully admit that I'm excited about a small package of these sausages being on its way to my home so that I can test the special sausages against regular sausages, hot dogs, bacon, and cheese sticks. In the meantime, you can order your very own iPhone Sausage Stylus for a buck a pop*.
*Shipping and handling not included on this limited time offer. [CaseCrown]

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