Google meddles in just about everything on your phone and computer—think Google Voice, searches, Chrome, and all that jazz. Now the search engine company might hop over to your TV with a programming search service it's been testing.
According to the WSJ, Google's been testing their "television programming search service" for about a year. The project is a partnership with Dish Networks and the testing of it "could be discontinued at any time." While this doesn't sound too optimistic, information about the project is pretty scarce to begin with:
Viewers can search by typing on a keyboard, instead of using a remote control. Google hopes to link the service up with its nascent TV ad-brokering business, allowing it to target ads to individual households based on viewing and TV search data.
Google and Dish Network spokespeople did not comment on the matter so it's hard to tell what is going on with this testing and whether Google is going to pursue it further. [WSJ]

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