How a Kindle will make you put off buying an iPad, Google opens another door for developers, some cool iPhone apps, and could 3G smart phones fry your brain less than older cell phones?
3G Capable Smart Phones May Reduce $#@!ulative Exposure To Electromagnetic Radiation
TreeHugger writer John Laumer did a little experimenting to find out if his daughter's new Palm Pre is more or less likely to fry his brain than his old LG Rumor. Check out the tests he ran, and his conclusions.
Greenpeace To Samsung: Did You Not See What We Did to HP's Roof?!?
Greenpeace elbows Samsung by scaling the walls of headquarters and putting up giant post-it note letters with a clear message about their stance on electronics and toxic materials.
New "Liquid Magnet" Solder Could Be Lead-Free Alternative For Electronics
Yale researchers have come up with a new soldering material that could eliminate lead in this area of electronics as well, using magnets, rather than heat, to bond materials.
TreeHugger has an iPhone App! Woot!!
Now you can get all the latest from TreeHugger, including top stories about green gadgety goodness and TreeHugger radio, all on your iPhone. And it's free.
10 Things You Can Do On A Kindle That'll Make You Forget The iPad
If you have a Kindle, and you're enviously eyeing the iPad as an improvement upon the e-reader you're holding in your hands, you have at least 10 reasons to feel content with what you have. Your Kindle may be more versatile than you think, and do the same things that you're likely to do with your iPad anyway - all at a lower energy consumption and smaller footprint.
Time for Developers to Go Nuts on Energy Efficiency - Google Releases API for PowerMeter
Calling all developers - Google has opened up their API so that developers can start creating tools to interface with PowerMeter, making it that much easier to have a whole-house energy monitoring system for a much lower cost, and much sooner than if we wait for a fully developed smart grid to provide it.
Biomimicry: Chemical-Free Water-Blocking Material Inspired By Spider Hair
Scientists at the University of Florida have figured a way to mimic the varying lengths of spider body hair in order to create a flat, water-blocking and self-cleaning surface that could be ideal for anything from food packaging to solar cells to windows.
An iPhone App about Biomimetic Architecture: BioDesign #3 by Dennis Dollens
Dennis Dollens writes comic books, and his latest is about developing ideas to combine technology with biology in an architectural context. Most of his comics are available as downloadable PDFs via his site on Issuu, but now you can read BioDesign #3 as an iPhone application in a beautifully re-designed, much easier to handle, format.
Solar Powered Plant Mate Puts Your Garden's Vitals On Your iPhone
Using solar powered spikes distributed throughout your garden, you can get the vitals delivered to your iPhone, showing you everything from nutrition levels in soil to sun exposure and their impacts on your favorite plants.
Energy-Saving Dynamically Tinted Glass Could Make Most Buildings More Efficient
SAGE Electrochromics has invented a special glass that can be made tinted by pressing a button. Such a glass could help better control how much sunlight enters a building, and save on air conditioning, heating and lighting.
TreeHugger's EcoModo column appears every Tuesday on Gizmodo.

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