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Thread: Man claims games are racist

  1. #31
    DCEmu Legend ACID's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheEmulatorGuy
    Wow, he doesn't just take things out of context, he flat-out lies. Lo Wang from Shadow Warrior is the hero, not the villain.
    Thats because he doesnt know eanything about games.

  2. #32
    PSP User Cloud_35's Avatar
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    Maybe he just needs attention.

    If he says that GTA3 is racist, maybe he hasn't played San Andreas.

    But he's right in some parts. Latinoamericans are always drug dealers, renegade terrorists (Ghost Recon??), men with mariachi suits or $#@!s in bikini (Total Overdose).

    How sad...

  3. #33
    DCEmu Pro jman420's Avatar
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    I would have to agree.. Resident Evil 4 was based on shooting plauged mexicans lol

    Postal2 was based on shooting rednecks..

    and many other games have made a specific race of people a target...

    but what people have to realize is, shooting a white person is never considered racist.. I have never understood why only the minorities are allowed to complain about racisim... you have to realize that the majority of all shooter games have been based on killing whoever...

    so the handful of racist games on killing minorities doesent compare to the ammount of racist games on killing white people lol

  4. #34
    DCEmu Rookie gamesquest1's Avatar
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    Hah i think he just tried to justify being a thick $#@! by sayin playin games was his works lol as for saying gta is rasist, err has anybody noticed that the main 'HERO' is actually a mureder you cant be rasist against everybody because then it isnt rasism because its just people being nasty who is rockstar being rasist for because as i see it the is a bad guy of virtually every race in the game i dont get it

    PS. as for saying it shows minoritys as drug dealers and that. lets face it they somebody to bee the baddy so they genrally just use somebody that is noticable distinguishable from the main charecter so as to save the confusion, think it will always be that way the only reason rasism still exists is because the 'minority's like to kick up a fuss about anything but seem to think its fine to walk around shoutin racist $#@! them selves so its there own fault that people are still being exposed to such words.......

  5. #35
    DCEmu Newbie LampDev's Avatar
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    I guess I'm the only one who was surprised he didn't mention Barret from FFVII, eh?

    Seriously, you have to guess this guy went into this with preconceptions of racism on his mind. If you look for racism, ANYTHING to support your argument, you'll find it in the smallest examples. He faced the same situation that a Daily Show correspondent faces when they are sent out to cover a ridiculous story somewhere. They have the story they want, and they HAVE to make it work... somehow.

    He had a premise to a thesis, and he did his best to support it even though he's a no-nothing idiot. WTF, he only logged 100 hours? I played more than that the first 2 weeks when Halo had just came out.

    ****ing sociologists need to do more than play 5 or 6 games before making a judgement on the entire industry. I would have been impressed if he would have found racism in Super Mario Bros. (italians are good plumbers and jumpers?), Zelda, or Sonic.

  6. #36


    If you need to spend that much time, and study every piece of these games, then they are not racisit. if they where racist it would be obvious. People just need to stop gettting hung up on the little details.

  7. #37


    I can't understand why the people have racism in their minds...

  8. #38

    Default This is ridiculous

    hi folks... im a regular visitor here (every day) and i cant believe what im hearing from this guy. im guessing he's taken a controversial route to his degree for a reason... and he'll prob pass as a result.

    i got beat up a couple of months ago by 3 black guys for the way i dress (im a 25 yr old indie rocker) to the point that i needed a brain scan. Do i hold a grudge against black people....NO... some of my best friends are black, family friends and so on.

    fact of the matter is... you will get white people who think they are gangsters, black people, chinese people, pakistani people...and so on... but you will also get all varieties of races that are bank clerks, police officers, security guards...genuine law abiding people.

    If anybodys racist... it's these folk who try to throw a cat amongst the pidgeons in these cases. what can they expect from this? a whirlwind of racist furore...thats what.

    San Andreas features a black dude as the main character..... im not upset by's a fecking great game.... best thing we can do is ignore this person.



  9. #39
    DCEmu Legend
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    This person may be intelligent, but he certainly doesn't have common sense.

    For starters, the games he played, are NOT indicative of the entire video game industry. Warcraft 3? That doesn't even take place on Earth as we know it; so how can that be pointed out as being racist?

    GTA3? Its a gang game. How is it being racist? There are many non-gang NPCs who are from very diverse ethnic groups. But what do ya know, a game centered on gangs having gang-members as important characters to the story? I wouldn't have ever thought that was possible!

    I guess it would also be wrong for Shadow Warrior (which, I might add, was made when game developers had balls), which takes place in Asia, to be chock full of Asian imagery, ideals and even stereotypes (which are used in this sense as purely slapstick; I suppose this 23 year old loser lacks a sense of humor)

    All in all, we should send letters to that university, to fail him, for his thesis purely based on opinion and not on fact (when last I checked, thesises needed proof and factual evidence to support them).

  10. #40


    this guy is crazy he is like a next jack thomson

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