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Thread: Cheshire: PSP is a "bollocking useless waste of space"

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    psp Cheshire: PSP is a "bollocking useless waste of space"

    Gavin Cheshire, Codemasters Studios vice president, isn't a great believer in the PSP.

    "Well, speaking as a person who bought a PSP, the problem was that I always thought - because it was a better screen than iPod's - that I'd be doing more with it. But it was such a bollocking useless waste of space; just getting stuff on it was ridiculous," he told Edge magazine, issue 213.

    "That was its downfall. Relatively speaking, [Codemasters] didn't do too badly on F1 PSP. But regarding the future, I think they've got - well... no.

    "PSPgo's a lovely device," he added, "really smart - but our senior VP bought one the day it came out and has a great story, because he ended up on some customer support line just trying to do basic stuff. He had to re-download his software, do an immediate firmware update, and that's your user experience.

    "Sony just hasn't got it right. Stuff like that will make people leave it alone."

    Conversely, Cheshire thinks Apple's new iPad is "brilliant" and believes there's potential despite the App Store being swamped with content.

    "The ecosystem's right," he said, "the straight-to-console nature of it."

    Some people believe the PSP and iPhone are on a collision course. PopCap's John Vechey told Eurogamer earlier this year that as Apple revised iPhone hardware, graphics would eventually improve and match Sony's machine. What happens then, we'll leave you to speculate.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
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    The iPhones control scheme will never be good enough to handle complex games. Touch screens can not replace good old fashioned buttons. When a game utilized more than 4 buttons the iPhones screen becomes cluttered with your fingers, and then you can't see what's going on. That is why the iPhone will never be a great gaming machine, it'll be ok... but not great.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Pro
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    No, the real issue is that while the iPhone is just as locked down, there's piles and piles of content out there.
    In contrast, apart from being a serviceable MP3 player, the PSP 'app store' has at best fifty 'apps', all of which are either old or overpriced games, and no public SDK for making more.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Rookie
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    He's complaining because he needed to update the firmware?

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Hack your psp and you'll never have a problem again.

  6. #6


    PSP is far superior to I-handhelds.

    1. Touch controls suck.
    2. I-things are not ergonomically designed well enough for long durations of gameplay.
    3. Battery life is friggen terrible on i-things.
    4. Content. PSP is a system built for gaming, you just cant get past this point. While the i-things have some capacity for gaming the main purpose is to be used as a utility, whether it be making a call or using a map thus it was designed with that in mind, not gaming, gaming was an afterthought.
    5. Position. i can play PSP from any possible position, where as the i-devices are limited to either infront of your face or bellow your head in your lap, yeah try your precious tilt while lying on your side.
    6. Updates, when an update becomes available to an i-thing game and you update, what happens? ALL PROGRESS IS GONE! I mean come the fk on, having to start the whole game again because of a incremental update?

    Before writing off a system maybe codemasters should shut the f... up and actually hire someone who knows what they are doing, the psp has been out for a long time now and if they havent gotten used to it and so many other companys have then what can i say other then hire some new people who arent retards.

    Oh and before i finish, i love my iphone but there is no way i would ever pick a I-game over a psp game.
    There is just no comparison.

  7. #7


    It's easy to look at hardware and judge Psp better than iPhone but without software neither have any point and Psp isn't even close to amount of developers supporting it, and the world has made a majority verdict and iPhone comes out on top, even though it is just a piece of crap fashion accessory.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Im quite an intelligent person but i STILL cannot see a use for an ipad. I have a laptop for computery work and my psp plays games on the move. If i want to play kiddie games or novelty touch stuff like darts or puzzle games il use my DS.

    The ipad is erm.... a touch screen phone the size of a sofa?

    I remember microsoft/bill gates a few years ago banging on about how thier glass tables with computers in will revolutionise your home. You could do amazing things like display pictures and by scruntching up your fingers, you could move and resize them. Wow! that sold well!

    Dont get me wrong, the iphone is 1 of the best phones, the ipod is the best mp3 player, the mac is erm, good looking but they really have done a turd with the ipad. I just cant see a use for it at all.

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