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It's anniversary time! From today, Planet Virtual Boy can proudly look back at a lifespan of 10 years. Although I don't want to make any big, sentimental speeches now, I'd like to take the opportunity to sincerely thank those, who make working on this site so much fun. To our fantastic community: Thank You!

Now that this is done, we can have a look at the presents (YAY!).

Parallely and independently of each other, two programs to convert ISX files generated by the official Virtual Boy C compiler "VUCC" to the VB ROM format have emerged. There is RunnerPack's ISX to VB ROM Converter v1.0 as well as LameBoy's VeeBee ISX2ROM v1.00. With those, it's now not only possible to compile official source code, but also to use the official compiler for homebrew. Quote LameBoy:

I have decided to release VeeBee ISX2ROM, even though it may still have a few bugs.
ISX2ROM will convert Intelligent Systems ISX files (the files created by the official Nintendo Virtual Boy SDK for use with the VUE-Debugger) into ROM files usable by emulators or flashcarts.
This means that people can now use the official VUCC compiler to create Virtual Boy ROMs. Hopefully people will be more willing to create VB ROMs now they can use VUCC as well as GCCVB.


Thanks to those great tools, we can now also release all 4 different versions of the VUE demo program from the official dev disks released last November. Those were converted by LameBoy using his ISX2ROM.