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Thread: INFO or INTOX - A new exploit in the firmware 6.20

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    psp INFO or INTOX - A new exploit in the firmware 6.20

    News via PSPGEN..

    If you're one of the new members of the community underground, do not worry we will resume here the main points of why exploits.
    Since the arrival of new motherboards with waterproof kit SDC / XGen pandora, the only way to hack the laptop from Sony is ... using a fault. This is not new and every system has flaws. Today, the goal of PSP developers is to find one that will run unsigned code (as chickHEN of Davee) to patch the installed RAM and a subsequent custom firmware not permanent.
    So the arrival of the PSP Go (and 6.20firmware) which opened hunting faults and unfortunately many dissemination fakes. However some videos we challenge and deserve the benefit of the doubt.
    Today is the turn of a Japanese man who carries the nickname Maku to present his feat. The Japanese helped Wololo and Mamosuke, would not only found a flaw in a demo but as a way to exploit by launching a HelloWord. It is obvious that the name of the demo is hidden and will probably not immediately disclosed, but the video shows the first image of the game and after a few seconds during which the author gets on the PSP buttons, hiding the screen, the HelloWord. To show that this is not a fake, the author returns to the XMB via the home button and proves that this is not a video.
    Last thing before you show the exploit, an exploit remember, is not a custom firmware or HEN. There are many exploits but very few are usable in order to run an HEN or something. Finally, the video shows a feat on a type of PSP not determined (1000, 2000 or 3000), we do not know if this exploit is running on a PSP GO.
    Here finally the video showing the exploit in action:

  2. #2


    If this is not fake. Why too many cover up?

  3. #3
    DCEmu Legend mike_jmg's Avatar
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    Hope someday there will be a HEN

  4. #4
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    @Keitaro Urashima: Perhaps some parts were covered up to:

    1. hide the wi-fi MAC address and
    2. keep the demo under wraps so that old Sony doesn't see it and start patching the title to stop the exploit running.

    Anyway, this looks like something good but still we'll see soon enough if this exploit is fake or not. I wonder exactly what model PSP was being used though, anyone have an idea?

  5. #5


    Sony patching the game would be pointless because demos are freely distributed without a Psn account, all they could do is release new fw and it would actually be better to tell us the demo title now and hopefully gives people some hope and stop them updating, whether it's fake or not it's just become normal to tease with videos so they can just soak up all the accolade.

  6. #6


    hey guyz any1 gt any newz

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