Blazing Games today announced a video game called the Slide Prince which derived from the popular CHA-CHA SLIDE song and dance. The game will be released in three stages: single player (October, 2010), multi-player (October, 2011), and massively multi-player persistent world (October, 2012). The first release (single player version) shall be tentatively published on the following platforms:, Facebook, Myspace, I-Phone,, and on multiple other mobile game apps store fronts and digital game portals (all toward the end of this year).

The game is a strategy/action game where the players take the role of young kids who never die, never grow old, and have developed the renowned dance into a martial by doing different combinations of the dance sequences and steps and afterwards shooting slime. The players are the heroes, the Slide Family, and battle the evil Sludge Hunter Ministers and their armies of CHA-CHA Mongers in slashing dancing battles in the fictional land of Chaville. The game is based on a children's book, also entitled The Slide Prince. The book will be published simultaneously with the game and sold on the same website, i.e., The Slide Prince is the adventure of warring clans of kids for control of the planet's resources (like de-slimer dust which heals victims of slime injuries), land, precious items, and de-slimer dust mines. Players may also enhance their armies and troops by gaining more soldiers, falcons, whales, Chanetic Magic weapons, bonus clothing, and bonus shoes. Players may advance their characters to build larger armies and build estates in the City of Freedom (headquarters for the Slide Family, located on the Slide Islands).