doublesix, part of the Kuju Entertainment Group, are excited to announce the launch of what will undoubtedly be one of the more attractive arena shooters to grace an iPhone, Babeorella.

Babeorella features classic arcade game play, though with the added bonus of a buxom bikinied blonde. Babeorella is available exclusively for the iPhone and iPod Touch on March 25, 2010.

Babeorella has crash landed on a remote asteroid, which would be enough of a problem by itself... except it's also filled with hordes of evil killer robots! Babeorella must use her charm, guile and vast array of power-packed weaponry to wipe out wave after wave of the metallic horde.

• Distance-context based attacks, weapons change depending on the range you engage the enemy
• Upgradeable abilities and attacks
• Multiple enemy types that attack in a variety of ways and ranges
• In-game challenges
• Unlockable outfits

For more information on Babeorella, including the multi-part comic and a trailer head over to