News/release from wethegreenpeople

Hey guys! I got this idea from an iTouch app I saw, thought it was great so I made this. It only took me like 5, 10 minutes to make so its a bit rough around the edges (hence beta release) but I hope you'll bear it until next release.

SonicBoomPSP is a homebrew app that allows you to play a high pitched sound that only people under 20 can hear! Put it under your little brothers bed and watch as he struggles to find it while mom and dad can't hear it at all!

How to use it:

Extract the ZIP file copy the SonicBoomPSP beta folder to your psp.

MSO:>>PSP>>GAME>>SonicBoo mPSP beta

Change Log:

beta1: Release


1. Fix logo at start of the game, its kinda rough.

2. Add graphics, I already made the background and a couple buttons
but I thought I'd save that for next release xP

3. Add timer, the timer will count down from, 15 seconds, 30
seconds, and 60 seconds.

4. Add options, in options you will be able to change the age
limit, for example:

Under 60, under 50, under 35 and so on.

Comments are welcome, if you see something that I should add to my todo list please say so!