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Wreck has released an early version of GoldenEye: X, an extensive project which will port GoldenEye 007 to Perfect Dark’s engine. This preview version is very early and has a lot of visual oddities, but gives a feel for what the port will be like. Eventually everything from GoldenEye, including the single player missions, will be ported to the enhanced engine. While there are no plans for any major upgrades visually, the engine has a number of improvements which will enhance the way the game plays. Many infamous limitations of the original guard AI, for example, will be a thing of the past. Multiplayer, which this preview showcases, will also benefit from the new engine–many new game modes, and much more customization than was possible in the original game is available.

Here is a list of what this preview patch contains:


Phantom (first and third person models)
Golden Gun (first and third person models)
Timed, Proximity, and Remote Mines (third person models only)
Hand Grenade (third person model only)
In addition to those, all of the “classic” weapons available in Perfect Dark, which were just renamed GoldenEye weapons, are still available with their original names. These weapons are available for selection in multiplayer now, and have been modified to allow simulants to use them.


James Bond (Tuxedo) head and body
Natalya (Russia) head and body
Trevelyan (Janus) head and body
Moonraker Elite body
Joe 2 head (used by Moonraker Elite by default)
Terrorist head

Temple (GoldenEye original, not its classic counterpart)
Be forewarned that Temple, Library, and Caves do not have the path network needed to play them with simulants yet. Adding one should be pretty painless for future versions. Egyptian also has a single room (the one where you find the golden gun in solo) where sims cannot follow you and will not move if they spawn there.


Library and Egyptian door models
Body armor model (replaces shield model)
These are not the only ports that have been completed, but are the only ones included in the preview patch. Paired with the existing GoldenEye weapons, they allow you to have four players using GoldenEye characters and all six slots filled with a weapon from GoldenEye. Many Perfect Dark characters and weapons are still available, but they may have texture errors, and Perfect Dark heads do not fit on GoldenEye bodies properly and vice-versa. A limited number of weapons from Perfect Dark will likely be kept for the final version, filling the same role as the classic weapons originally did.