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The new version is now able to read and program also the so called “big block NANDs” which are the 256Mb and 512Mb mainboard versions if the Xbox360. In addition to the added support for big blocks the new version adds more quicksolder pads which means less cables are required. Cygnos360 V2 Ref F fits nicely onto the underside of the Xbox360 mainboards and connects to the Jtag port via quicksolders (no resistors or cables needed here) Take a look at the photo, you will see on the top right the new quicksolder pads that sit directly on the jtag port.)

The new version does not carry a secondary NAND anymore so it is a single flasher, not a dual NAND. The reasons for this are, you don’t really need the dual NAND feature anymore on the home brew stuff and it allows us to make one version that fits all Xbox 360 versions.

Cygnos 360 V2 is now available for Xenon, Opus, Falcon, Zephyr, as well as all different Jasper versions (16, 256 & 512).

Tests show very fast programming and reading times. Reading a full 512Mb image takes less than 10 minutes, a 16Mb image less than 2 minutes. The images created are highly reliable as error checking has been implemented during the transfer.

The Cygnos360 V2 is faster, more reliable and easier to install than any alternative solutions.