News/release from Anthony

This is a test version containing all 493 pokémon. I haven't tested it much yet, so any feedback is appreciated.

-Addition of 'Name That Pokémon' and 'Name That Cry'
-A few aesthetic changes
-Fixed a few descriptions
-Removal of redundent files
Up - Scroll Up
Down - Scroll Down
Left - Scroll up by 10
Right - Scroll Down by 10
X - Pokemon Cry(Provided you download the cries version)
L & R - Cycle through alt. forms.
Touchscreen/Stylus for pretty much everything else including clicking on a pokémon in the list.

Things you should know
-Moves and Loc aren't implemented yet. I definitely want to do it via a map, but it seems like a bit of a $#@!storm to be honest.
-There's roughly 22,500+ individual pieces of information regarding the pokémon. I'd be willing to bet I've screwed up quite a bit.
-The unown forms can be seen via pressing 'L' or 'R' at their main sprite screen.
-Alternate forms will adjust the stats and such accordingly.
-IVs range from 0-31; EVs range from 0-255; Nature can be negative(-), neutral(o) or positive(+); Level ranges form 1-100. More on this here.
-Mr. Mime and Mime Jr. both need spaces and periods for the minigames. The male and female symbol will put (m) and (f), respectively, onto the end.
-With that being said, I uploaded v0.2, sans the search functionality. Easy mode for the mini-games provides you with 6 names, one being the correct pokémon. Hard mode has you input the name yourself.