Oxtob posted this over at GBAdev forums

Hi everyone,

I finally made NitroTracker an open source project today! The code is available from:


This doesn't only mean people can have the source, but also that I'm opening up development to the community. Or, to put it a little differently: NitroTracker needs coders!

I think there's a lot of benefits working on NitroTracker. I'll give you some examples of what I like about it:

The thing that I love most about programming NitroTracker (this holds for most of my projects actually) is that it enables people to be creative. You make something and then people make something (in this case music) with that thing you made. It's inexplicably cool, like being meta-creative!

Working on NitroTracker has taught me many things. One thing was programming for the DS, but also how to design productive and easy to pick up user interfaces, how to write GUI toolkits, and how to write code that produces music.

NitroTracker has a big community of users (over 100 beta testers!) that give a lot of very useful input in the shape of bug reports, feature requests and music (which can serve both as a motivation and as test cases for the XM player). It's a lot of fun listening to your users and, learning design lessons from their experiences, and improving your software through feedback.
What I'm looking for are motivated people with good DS programming knowledge. Musical skills are a plus, but not required. Just check out the source (setup instructions here) and contact me if you're interested. There's really no commitment. You're just part of the project and work on it whenever you feel like it.

Who's in? :-)
