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Even users of Microsoft's home console can be prone to malware. An application proposes to use his own PC to play on Xbox Live. A tool "interesting" but it is a java application trapped. A folder containing not less than 6 files that reveals many surprises.

Blog Sunbelt warns against the trap consists of two HTML pages, three images and a java file (. jar). If the user runs the program, a request for execution of java program appears. The unwary players accept the terms of use and validate the Java application, a Trojan will then download.

Last step, an icon appears update Microsoft unveiled a program called crypted.exe. It is actually a trojan called Fignotok (PWS.Win32.Fignotok.A). Its stated aim is then to gather the most IDs and passwords of other possible connection. Firefox, Internet Explorer, Steam or even Gmail and Hotmail happen to be prime targets of malware.

Once again, the only answer left is to pay attention to navigation and not to sink the urge to click on anything that moves, or even have a proper antivirus updated. Finally, special attention must always be made about applications unverified. But this, everyone knows ... in principle.