Epic lead designer Cliff 'Cliffy B' Bleszinski has called Gears Of War 3 "the worst kept secret in the industry".

The comment comes after Edge uncovered the title's release date - today confirmed as April 8th by Microsoft.

Edge subsequently predicted gameplay elements of the title would include enemy Locusts having tentacles that could stretch round cover - shown off in this morning's trailer.

"There are a lot of elements that go into it - graphics are kind of the thing that initially pull people in, but what ultimately matters is gameplay, right?" Bleszinski said on Jimmy Fallon's later night show on NBC last night.

"We have this whole thing in the business that we call resonance, and if you walk away from a game and you're mowing your lawn or whatever, you're walking your dog and you start thinking about it then that's a powerful thing. It's the same thing with like a good movie - if you see a good movie and you start thinking about it or talking about it with your friends, right? You can have a good story, you can have good graphics but ultimately gameplay is the thing that matters above everything else."

When revealing the announcement trailer, Bleszinski added: "It's actually the worst kept secret in the video game industry that we've been working on Gears of War 3."
