Take heed, original Xbox owners – today is the last day that you’ll be able to take your console online.
At midnight tonight Microsoft will permanently turn off the lights for one of the most pioneering online console services the world has ever seen. The move will also see online access for original Xbox games played via Xbox 360 permanently blocked.
Microsoft has taken the decision, it has previously said, so as to allow it to further develop Xbox Live for 360 owners.
With original machines still connected, the platform holder is unable to make a host of changes users have been clamouring for – including upping the maximum number of people that can be on a single Friends list (the current limit is 100).
MCV’s fondest memories of playing Xbox online include the (at the time) groundbreaking Halo 2, the sublime Project Gotham Racing 2 and LucasArts’ multiplayer romp Star Wars: Battlefront.
