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As someone who has never cared for online advertising or shady “deals”, I’m baffled by the weird and wonderful world of on-line search engine optimization, affiliate marketing, and all that stuff. In case you’re new to the whole story, quite a few people are selling “soft-modchip” packs for the Wii via these channels, which bundle our free tools with free warez software and make tons of money. My opinion of sellers and affiliate marketers isn’t very high after the problems we’ve had with these scam products.

Alas, it appears that in this odd ecosystem products and sites are routinely sold and bought, and people can wind up marketing scam unknowingly. I suspect that quite a few of those people will just turn a blind eye and keep making a profit off of scams after finding out about the nature of their “product”. However, at least one of them did the Right Thing. I had an interesting e-mail exchange with someone who recently purchased a site advertising a few of those scam products off of eBay. He agreed to remove the references to the scam products and replace them with an informational page that explains how other sellers are scamming their customers. Thank you for doing the right thing .

Click here to visit the site. Yes, I know that the information presented there isn’t 100% factually accurate, but the point is that there’s at least one seller who cares about these scams. I think he deserves being commended for his honesty and integrity.