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BestPig proposes a new version of its utility all in one that allows you to automate the creation of an image FreeBoot for your console.

New / fixed:

- Fixed an important bug in the SMC.

If you have an image generated with version 1.x to 2.0 using autodetection for freeboot creates a Falcon motherboard, 16MB zephyr or jasper, the MSC is incorrect, if flash your console will no longer boot, please refresh freeboot with version 2.1 or higher.

- Creating FreeBoot for any motherboard with SMC Correct
- Autodetection the motherboard for 16MB dumps.
- The image generated integrates Xellous
- Choosing the patch to apply.
- Generation FreeBoot in a click.
- Much prettier interface.
- Check that the key is correct CPU (number of characters permitted character [A-F0-9].
- Stops the process of creating freeboot, if the key CPU does not fit your dump.
- Check the size of the dump, allowable size (16, 66, 256 and 512)
- And finally able to generate a dump since freeboot XBReboot *

* Currently only for motherboards with the following revisions:
- Xenon with a CB 1888, 1903 and 1921
- Falcon with a CB 5770
- Jasper with a CB 6723