What are we to make of the iPhone leak this week? To reference Donald Rumsfeld "There are known unkowns. That is to say, there are things we know we don't know. But, there are also unknown unknowns. These are things we don't know we know."
And what I know is that this leak has all the makings of a massive conspiracy. Oh yes.
I'll use another quote here, this time from All The President's Men: "The list of the people involved is longer than anyone can imagine. It involves the entire U.S. Intelligence Community. FBI... CIA... Justice... it's incredible."
Just to refresh your memories, Apple engineer Gray Powell left his prototype iPhone 4 on a barstool earlier this week, and it eventually got into the hands of tech blog Gizmodo.
Reports suggest Gizmodo paid $5,000 for this 'stolen' bit of kit, which strains the ethics a bit. And it explains why the blog kept referring to Powell's innocent mistake in losing his phone 'just like Steve Jobs or Jonathan Ive".

This translates as 'please don't sack him, because that would make us feel really bad."
Sack him? I think it's more likely he'll be killed. Perhaps by stoning. Using Apple's old stash of Motorola ROKRs.
(By the way, if you find an interesting mobile prototype in a bar, send it to me and I'll make sure it's 'returned' to its owner. Don't for God's sake send it to Stuart Dredge. He's well known to the police)
Anyhow, within hours, the inevitable conspiracy theories began. There were whispers that Apple planted the device itself to start the hype for the real launch in June. That's been discussed liberally. But let's look at some of the other possibilities.
Could the Redmond giant be behind this? The device is exquisitely conceived and beautiful to look at - all the hallmarks of Microsoft at work.
Jobs and Schmidt were recently pictured having coffee together, Maybe they were cooking this up. They are evil, after all.
How to distract attention from poor financials? Mmm, focus it on your best competitor. OK, maybe not Nokia.
Al Qaeda
Terrorist cells? Cellphone? Eh? Eh?

JK Rowling
Could the iPhone 4 be a portkey? This is one of Rowling's creations – an object that once touched transports the owner to another destination. Is it possible that a Gizmodo hack will press a certain keypad combination and be whisked to an ancient graveyard where Jobs and other Death Eaters will be waiting to feast on his flesh? It's possible.
It's more than I can take. if someone gets hold of a next gen LG Pop I think I'll expire.
