Superhero film Kick-Ass has been turned into a beat-'em-up videogame for PS3, which will be released this Thursday on PSN for $14.99 in the US.

The game was made by Frozen Codebase - a studio that boasts former Naughty Dog, Raven and Treyarch staff. Work only began on an adaptation in September 2009, which meant Frozen Codebase bypassing visual flourishes for "gameplay, gameplay and more gameplay", according to president Ben Geisler.

That gameplay is beat-'em-up sprinkled with co-op and RPG elements. The story follows what happens in the film and the comic, but also goes into more detail about the drug trade.

There's an Arena mode for wave-based enemy slaying, and multiplayer is on the way as post-release DLC.

There's a video of the Kick-Ass game on the US PlayStation blog.

Sony offered "no comment" on a European release.

The Kick-Ass film opened in UK cinemas in late March.