Lost Planet is one of the Xbox 360 titles we're truly looking forward to, with Capcom producer Keiji Inafune (of Dead Rising and Onimusha fame) heading up an ice cold action-shooter set on a ...well you can guess the rest.

Casting you as a hero called Wayne (don't worry it gets better), LP sees you battling alien creatures and facing up to your own dark past on a frozen wasteland of a planet, with sub zero temperatures, advanced weaponry, giant mechs and a whole heap of alien-blasting carnage in prospect. We've seen early builds of the game and mighty fine it's looking too, so it's with great pleasure that we present this latest array of screens for your joy and delectation.

Further thrills will be ours (and yours vicariously) later this month, when Lost Planet debuts its multiplayer credentials at the Leipzig Games Show. However, in the meantime enjoy the latest selection of shots, and don't forget to wrap up warm.

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